четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

NSW: North Sydney shut down over Colombian protest

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: North Sydney shut down over Colombian protest

North Sydney's central business district was shut down for about four hours today when
police surrounded the Colombian consulate while 16 protesters were holed up inside.

Around 9.30am, the protesters, including four children, entered the Colombian consulate.

Police surrounded the Walker Street building and blocked off nearby streets.

Superintendent DONALD GRAHAM, who was in charge of the operation, discounted early
suggestions that some of the protesters may have been armed.

AAP reporter REBECCA GLENN, who was in the building with the protesters says the situation
inside had been peaceful, and the protesters were a bit astonished that police were involved.

Group spokesman VLAUDIN VEGA said the protesters were angry at American interference
in their country and had demanded to speak with Colombian president ANDRES PASTRANA.

Ms GLENN says the protesters agreed to leave the building after talking to police.

Around 1.15 pm protesters began to leave the building and police held further talks with them.

Police say the situation ended peacefully with everyone out of the building and searches
of the consulate were conducted as a security precaution.

AAP RTV jjs/jas/jn


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