понедельник, 12 марта 2012 г.

News from Cuba puts new focus on embargo

WASHINGTON -- Ailing Cuban President Fidel Castro's abruptdeparture from power has renewed the debate about the effectivenessof a U.S. embargo that prohibits most American travel to Cuba andprevents most U.S. companies from doing business there.

Analysts in the United States say easing the embargo now wouldsend a positive signal to the Cuban people as well as help U.S.businesses that have long sought an opening to the Cuban market.

"It's only natural for the Cuban people to seek an improvedfinancial situation and in the nature of things, that's going toinclude the United States," said Robert Muse, a Washington-basedattorney who is involved in Cuba issues.

But undoing the embargo would take an act of Congress and thesupport of the White House, which has blocked attempts to ease traveland trade restrictions in the past.

An administration report issued last month said sanctions could belifted only if Cuba took steps toward holding free elections.


The U.S. trade embargo was imposed in stages in the early 1960s toput economic pressure on Castro and weaken his regime.

American oil companies have joined in the fight to ease theembargo because China and other countries are exploring for oil offthe Cuban coast.

Although the embargo's effectiveness has been debated for years,its main supporters on Capitol Hill, mainly Cuban-American lawmakers,pressed Tuesday to keep sanctions in place until Cuba moves towarddemocracy. "We should do nothing until steps are taken to bringsovereignty to the Cuban people," said Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.).

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