среда, 29 февраля 2012 г.

Qld: Irwin family helps legacy live

AAP General News (Australia)
Qld: Irwin family helps legacy live

By Gabrielle Dunlevy

BRISBANE, Aug 30 AAP - A year after Steve Irwin's death, his precocious daughter Bindi
is recognised worldwide as the new symbol of the conservation movement he so passionately

But the Crocodile Hunter's legacy not only lives on in his immediate family, and it's
not even something that's in the blood - it's an attitude, a lifestyle, and it's infectious.

Australia Zoo, the family's Sunshine Coast wildlife park, hired 70 new staff in the
past year, bringing the number of enthusiastic khaki-clad conservationists to 549.

Tempting though it might be to avoid the hype on the anniversary of Steve Irwin's death
next week, the khaki army has vowed to treat it like any other day, and continue fighting
for wildlife protection.

September 4 marks a year since a stingray fatally speared its barb into Steve Irwin's
chest while he was snorkelling on Batt Reef near Port Douglas.

His wife Terri and children Bindi, 9, and Robert, 3, will spend the anniversary in
the seclusion of north Queensland's Lakefield National Park - the last place they were
all together.

Steve's father Bob Irwin, who started Australia Zoo in 1970, has also sought solitude,
and will spend the next three weeks at the Steve Irwin Wildlife Reserve, near Weipa on
Cape York Peninsula.

This week, the 67-year-old was awarded the title of Queensland grandfather of the year.

Steve may no longer be at his side, but Bob continues to pass down his affinity with
animals, daring skills and a desire to inspire others to his six grandchildren.

Most recently at the reserve, he taught Bindi how to distinguish a bush turkey nest
from a much more threatening crocodile nest.

With great care and patience, he taught little Robert how to fish for barramundi.

And with another grandson, James Muscillo, the 18-year-old son of his daughter Joy,
Bob trapped crocodiles for a research project.

Since finishing school last year, James has already donned the khakis and green fleece
worn by Australia Zoo staff, and will make conservation his life's work.

It's no wonder, with so much inspiration to draw on.

With Bob, James trapped the biggest croc ever at the research base - a monster almost
five metres long.

They dubbed it "Stevo", and in the exuberant fashion of its namesake it almost tipped
over the research dinghy when it was released back into the water.

James' father Frank Muscillo, Australia Zoo's general manager, says they know they
are part of an extraordinary family.

Frank met Joy Irwin, his wife of 25 years, at university.

She was studying environmental science - as one would expect from an Irwin - and he
was studying a science degree.

It didn't occur to Joy that she should forewarn her boyfriend about her father's unusual
affection for reptiles and burgeoning menagerie before she took him home to meet the family.

"It was interesting," Frank said, laughing.

"Joy just took it for granted.

"For someone new to all that, it was certainly an experience to become part of the
family and learn all about wildlife and all the things they were doing."

Frank can also recall his introduction to Steve.

"He was just a nice guy, a normal bloke," he said.

"It was a while ago now, but you just knew he was something special, you know, he had
that gift with the animals just like his dad."

Australia Zoo became a veritable shrine in the days following Steve Irwin's death -
a focal point for the grief of thousands of fans.

On the anniversary, Frank, James and the other staff hope to have a low-key day.

The Irwins have nominated November 15 for the first annual Steve Irwin Day, a celebration
of his life and fundraiser for conservation.

The loss of the larger-than-life character has no doubt left a huge void for the family.

But while the present grief is hard to deal with, the future direction for all of the
Irwin clan, and the extended family at Australia Zoo, is clear.

"We just want to continue all our conservation work that Steve started and his family
started, and it will continue through Bob and through all his family," Frank said.

"We will keep working on the conservation side of things forever."

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